The PAL program provides life skills training that prepares teenage foster youth between the ages of 16 and 17 with the knowledge and tools they need for a smoother, more successful transition into adulthood. During the four-day training session, participants engage in field trips to local establishments, group discussions, presentations, and experiential activities and hear from guest speakers in their community. We cover six core topics: health and safety, housing and transportation, job readiness, financial management, life decisions and responsibilities, and personal and social relationships. Each youth leaves with a Hope Chest and raffle items meant to provide them with some of the essential home necessities they’ll need when they leave care.

The PAL program also conducts Casey Life Skills Assessments for youth between the ages of 14 and 17 to help identify their needs and strengths in various independent living skills, including self-care, relationships and communication, housing, money management, transportation, work and study life, career and education planning, civic engagement, navigating the child welfare system, and looking forward. The assessment provides youth and their caregivers with information about key target areas that the youth may need help with while preparing for adulthood.

Marisa Rayos

PAL & LIFE Director
(325) 947-7233
[email protected]

Life Skills Training Topics

Health and Safety

  • Personal health care
  • Sexual responsibility
  • Substance abuse
  • Coping and stress management

Housing and Transportation

  • Rentals, leases, and contracts
  • Roommates and shared living
  • Personal and public transportation options

Job Readiness

  • Link between education and employment
  • Education
  • Career planning and preparation
  • Higher education

Financial Management

  • Banking
  • Pay stubs
  • Budgeting
  • Credit

Life Decisions and Responsibilities

  • Legal rights, responsibilities, and civic engagement
  • Legal documents, records, and roots
  • Community resources and awareness
  • Organization skills
  • Setting goals and making action plans

Personal and Social Relationships

  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Communication
  • Culture
  • Self-esteem

Contact us

8613 West County Road 60
Midland, Texas 79707

tel 432.694.7728
fax 432.694.9972