STAY Together
24/7 Hotline: 1-800-922-7829
Family Support Services
The Stay Together program can help families resolve a variety of issues and is provided at no cost as a community service for families with children from birth through 17 years of age. Our focus is empowering families through conflict resolution and skill development to promote positive, healthy relationships and family functioning. Common challenges and issues addressed through services include, but are not limited to:
- Family communication
- Arguing and family conflict
- Parenting skills
- Child development
- Caring for infants
- Boundaries and discipline
- School attendance and behavior
- Bullying
- Peer pressure and youth decision making

Parent & Youth Skill Development
The use of established curriculums will assist youth and parents in learning skills that will help resolve problems for which they sought services, as well as preparing families to resolve challenges that may arise after services have ended. The Stay Together program utilizes evidence-based curriculums to promote:
- Parenting techniques – Emphasizing positive interactions between parents and youth.
- Family strengths – A skill-based approach utilizing existing family strengths and teaching new skills to encourage family success.
- Child development education – Understanding age-appropriate behaviors and feelings to help parents develop realistic expectations of children.
- Youth skill development – Teaching skills including responsibility, communication, respect, self-esteem, coping, decision making, and social skills. These skills will empower the youth to be successful at home, school, workplace, etc.
In-Home Services
Individualized services will occur in the family’s home, at our office, or another location chosen by the family at a time that is convenient to them. On average, visits occur every 7 to 10 days throughout the service period. Providing services in the home at a time convenient to the family reduces disruptions to the youth and family. Parents do not have to miss work, and the youth remain in school. Typically, in-home visits help families to feel more relaxed, resulting in more productive sessions.
24-Hour Crisis Intervention
24-hour crisis intervention and support services are available to both existing families and new families seeking assistance. If a youth or family that we are currently working with is in need of assistance, they can call the hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to receive immediate help. If a crisis should occur, this service allows youth and families to obtain assistance at that time, instead of waiting until their next in-home visit to prevent situations from escalating into a more serious problem.
For youth and families calling our program for the first time, if it is determined that they are eligible for services and would like to participate in the program, an initial home visit will be scheduled. In the event of a crisis, staff will respond to the family’s home. For families that are not eligible for services through Stay Together, referrals will be made during the initial phone call. Families will be connected to other appropriate programs and services.
*If you or someone you know is experiencing a medical or mental health emergency, please contact 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. Please note that our website and email address are not continuously monitored and should not be used to seek emergency medical or mental health support.
Other Services
- Case Management
- Parent Advocacy
- Basic Needs Support
Adolph Knabe
STAY Together Director
(432) 699-1466
[email protected]
Hilda Galindo
STAY Together Assistant Director
(432) 699-1466
[email protected]
Contact Us
For more information or to request services, submit your information in the form below or contact us at 1-800-922-7829.
Click Here to View Form
Referring a family to the Stay Together program is easy and confidential. If you or someone you know could benefit from our free services, please complete the referral form below. If you have questions or require assistance with the referral process, please view the form below or call us at 1-800-922-7829.
Click Here to View Form
Community Outreach
The Stay Together program provides Universal Prevention and Community Awareness (UPCA) services to the general public. Through UPCA, we offer free workshops to the community. We have various topics to choose from for both parent and youth audiences. If you would like to schedule a workshop to be presented to your agency, organization, or group, please complete the contact form above or contact the Stay Together office nearest you.
Counties Served
Andrews, Borden, Brewster, Coke, Concho, Crane, Culberson, Dawson, Ector, Fisher, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Hudspeth, Irion, Jeff Davis, Loving, Martin, Midland, Mitchell, Nolan, Pecos, Presidio, Reagan, Reeves, Runnels, Scurry, Sterling, Terrell, Tom Green, Upton, Ward, and Winkler counties.
Stay Together Program Locations
The Stay Together program covers 33 counties throughout the Permian Basin, Concho Valley, Big Bend, and Big Country areas. If your family is experiencing challenges or conflict, submit the referral form above or call the office nearest you.
Midland: 432-699-1466
Counties Served: Andrews, Crane, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Loving, Martin, Midland, Upton, and Winkler
San Angelo: 325-947-7233
Counties Served: Coke, Concho, Irion, Reagan, Runnels, Sterling, and Tom Green
Alpine: 432-837-1395
Counties Served: Brewster, Culberson, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Presidio, and Terrell
Pecos: 432-445-5752
Counties Served: Pecos, Reeves, and Ward
Snyder: 325-573-3997
Counties Served: Borden, Mitchell, and Scurry
Sweetwater: 325-235-8487
Counties Served: Fisher and Nolan

Contact us
8613 West County Road 60
Midland, Texas 79707
tel 432.694.7728
fax 432.694.9972